My best friend / Мой(я) лучший(ая) друг (подруга)

Текст ниже средней сложности — My best friend / Моя лучшая подруга

My best friends name is Mariya. We study at the same university. I've known her for 4 years. If you see her, you'll like her at once. She is a pretty girl of 21 with long dark hair and a slim figure. But I like her not for her beauty. Mariya is very smart. She is one of the best students in our group and almost always knows the answer to the teacher's questions. She is a very diligent student and is always ready with her homework. Mariya is a very good friend. She is eager to help, when her help is needed. When I have problems, she is the first to comfort me. I also try to help her and to support her in any situation. We share a lot of our secrets. I am sure, her advice is the best one, because she understands me.

It seems to me, we've known each other for ages. Mariya's family is also very nice. She lives with her parents. They seem to be a very friendly family. We have the same hobbies with Mariya — music, dancing and cooking. We enjoy parties, so we often organize them for our friends. Then we cook something tasty, watch TV, dance and have a lot of fun. I am sure we will remain best friends forever.


the same — тот же самый
slim — изящный
diligent — усердный
to need — нуждаться
to comfort — успокаивать
to share — делить
to remain — оставаться

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