About myself / О себе

Текст средней сложности — About myself / О себе

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mariya I am a 20-year-old student from Donetsk. I study at the university in my native town and my future profession is bookkeeping. I live with my parents and my elder sister Lena. We are a friendly family. Lena is 2 years older than me. We share our room and tell all our secrets to each other.

We are very much alike: open-hearted, smart and merry. That's why we have a lot of friends. I like organizing parties for our friends as we often gather to­gether, discuss our plans and have fun. My hobby is music. I play the guitar and write my own songs. They say, I have a nice voice. My family and friends often ask me to sing to guitar their favorite songs. Cooking is also my hobby. My Mom cooks very well. She has taught me how to cook a lot of delicious dishes from Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. My favorite dish is French soup, which I cook for the whole family.

In the evening, I often watch TV with my family and discuss my plans for the next day. On weekends, I often meet my friends or stay at home and read books. I like novels by Dariya Dontsova. I sometimes discuss her style and ideas with my sister. Literature, cooking, TV — I have a lot of topics to talk about and make new friends.


bookkeeping — бухгалтерия
older — старший (сравнительная степень сравнения англ. прилагательного old-older-the oldest), здесь: старший по возрасту
elder — старший в семье (old-elder-the eldest)
to share — делить
delicious — вкусный
a dish (es) — блюдо
cuisine — кухня
on weekends — на выходных
a novel — роман

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